How do you prevent mascara smudges on the outer lashes?
Question by merrycarrie: How do you prevent mascara smudges on the outer lashes?
I’ve tried many mascaras, high end to low end and I can’t seem to figure it out. I’m asian and have shorter eyelashes. The outermost lashes always smudge. I’m not putting too much on or blinking when it’s wet, but after the first 2 hours, I see smudging and it looks awful. Any tips?
Best answer:
Answer by Brianna
use primer before you put on your mascara. it’ll make your lashes look longer & fuller. & it wont smudge.
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Try curling your eyelashes before you apply your mascara so you can perk up your eyelashes causing them to stick up & curl instead of them sticking straight out, this will make it harder for your eyelashes to reach your skin causing less smudges.
(Sorry, it sounds a bit confusing)
I am a mascara expert and my mascara never smears. It is helpful if you only wear one coat, but not necessary. But what you really need to try is waterproof mascara from covergirl or maybelline, a brand like that from Walmart will work. And don’t rub your eyes!!! But the waterproof will help A LOT.
you could try a primerrr