What are good hairstyles for really curly hair?

Question by Violet: What are good hairstyles for really curly hair?
I have really curly hair that is just a little over shoulder length. So far the only hairstyles i’ve been trying out were a simple ponytail, bun, side bun, side ponytail, and that’s it. My hair is starting to get kinda boring lol, so does anyone have any cute hairstyles for really curly hair?? Oh and don’t forget that my hair is a little over shoulder length. Thanxx :)

Best answer:

Answer by Taylor Hacker
pin it up into a messy bun
straighten it
wear a cute head band
straighten the front parts of it
straighten it then put it in a pony tail
piggy tails
side ponytail

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4 Comments on “What are good hairstyles for really curly hair?

  • My mom has very curly hair. Have you ever seen the Flintstones? She does the pebbles look. She also has bangs and she makes me braid them to the side back (french) and regular. Hope this helps. Also look in google imagery to see if any are there!!

  • mines the same. i do all those as well as: a curly mohawk; my hair brushed up and bobby pinned with the top unpinned and cascading down the right side of my head; all over curly with the left side pinned to like the middle top of my head (like you just grab that area and just bobby pin it so that sides smooth); umm all over curly.
    if you want to wear it straight then: bone straight (maybe try side swept bangs); the bangs hanging with the sides pinned to the middle and the bac out; the left side pinned up (i do this when my hair is curly and straight); the middle front pinned back.
    thats all i can think of on the spot. hope it helps

  • Some cute hairstyles are:
    Two side pony tails (not up like a little girl, loose on shoulers)
    Take a small section of hair from the front and pull it back with bobby pins or a small hair tie.
    Take the top half of hair and make a ponytail out of it, leaving some bottom layers down.
    You can also, just throw in a cute headband, and leave your bangs out if you have any, or get a cute hair pin, and pull back a small section on the side(:

    Also straighten it.

  • you could straighten it if thats what your looking for. however, if you want to keep it curly, you could tease the top of it, put the top in a ponytail, put the bangs in a poof, two low ponytails, you could put it in a low ponytail and clip it up with a clip that kinda looks like a clamp for a classier look. or of cours leave it natural or go for the old-school messy pony or bun. good luck :)

    btw…even though it is already curly, you could use a curling iron to define them and change the type of curl. or you could even straighten it and then curl parts or all of it! trial and error it:)


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