What causes nail polish to get sticky inside the bottle?
Question by Brittany H: What causes nail polish to get sticky inside the bottle?
I have a couple of nail polishes that are sticky as glue inside their bottles, and i was wondering what causes this?
Best answer:
Answer by Michelle
have no clue it happens to me when the nail polish drys up and that is the sign to throw it away get a new one. if its dried up or sticky
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The nail poilish goes off and the glue will seperate from the colour just chuck it !
Some top brand nail varnish has a metal ball inside which keeps the varnish smooth some others like Essence dont and get all gloopy
1) Air.
Do not apply nail polish in front of an electric fan or an air conditioner or even hair dryer.
2) Sunlight
Never leave your nail polish in direct sunlight.
3) Heat.
Never leave your nail polish in a place where the heat of the devices will have a direct contact with your nail polish. Not to mention that nail polish is flammable. 😀